
Posts Tagged ‘lovers’

How easy it seems to feel careless and free when a new love comes into our lives. Spring has finally sprung on us. The birds are singing a song we’ve never heard before. A new meaning of life is unleashed. We are now excited and driven with our newly found energy.

The once daunting task of hiding and protecting our heart becomes obsolete and we are oblivious as to why we ever felt we needed to hold back from the world in the first place…..

The question then remains… How can we take the lessons we have learned from exposing to much of our hearts and put it to use in our newly found happiness? How can we take the hurt from the past and turn it into something positive? How much should we hold back?

Is it really fare to our new love not to share everything in order for them to truly know the real person that we are. In what situation can “safe” be safe enough when “safe” has left you vulnerable and hurt over and over again?

Given the lessons we have learned about giving our heart to an undeserving person, should we, or could we, ever give our heart out again?

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